Welcome to Mind Ping xyz.
The idea for the name came to me after a brainstorming session with one of my daughters. MindPing.xyz centres on print products to communicate hopeful messages to combat problems associated with normality that aren't serving best interests, and reluctance to abandon patterns of behaviour, habits, if you will, that need a refresh for good changes to establish in the world. It's so easy to get caught in the mainstream. But how do you help someone out of it? Perhaps some of the product's messages may throw a lifeline to as many people as will take note. Perhaps it's a way of expressing frustration with destructive patterns people fall into and don't make the effort to get out of. Perhaps it's just a comical way of leaving a stranger with a token of a conversation that's too difficult to have.
I hope you have a enjoy the site and find something interesting.
I hope you find something you like in our store.